Yawny's Digest
"All I see turns to brown" - R.Plant

Es Muy Dificil Tambien

Trying hard to speak Spanish all the time when you're bad at it works like a drain at the bottom of your soul. But our babysitter’s Mexican, the lady who cleans our house is Mexican, for a while we had a Guatemalan gardener. So I guess I thought I’d be Mr Cool and pretend to get semi-fluent in Spanish: “Rosa, I am thinking these diaper for back to put the boy.” God, my Spanish is horrible. Weirdly that just makes me get bored with the whole thing.

In general my advice to anyone starting a new project like learning Spanish is to sort of figure out the basics, then abandon the project and move on to something else. The key is to get out before you reach any level of excellence, or before you can start making any money off of it.

Issue: 10-1 (orig. pub. date: )